Welcome to the website of the Climate Action
Program for Development in LAC: a comprehensive approach based on good practices
in the region (PACD-LAC for its acronym in Spanish).
PACD-LAC is an initiative implemented by the Water Program of the
Department of Sustainable Development of the Organization of
American States (OAS) and the Climate Change and Sustainability Division of the
Inter-American Development Bank (IDB). We hope that the materials developed,
shared and available through the PACD-LAC will contribute to the strengthening
of good practices for climate action in Latin America and the Caribbean.

About this page

The PACD-LAC website is available in English and Spanish to facilitate access to relevant materials for strengthening good practices for climate action. Representatives from the public and private sector, as well as members of academia, civil society and people interested in contributing to climate resilience in LAC will find useful content for capacity building, tools to contribute to national and regional best practices, learn about current news and reflect together.