Second Expert Workshop

Climate Action Program for development in LAC: a comprehensive proposal based on good practices in the region
About the Second Expert Workshop
The study on good practices of NDCs in Latin America and the Caribbean aims to identify good
practices in mitigation and adaptation to climate change framed in the NDCs of the Organization
of American States member countries in Latin America and the Caribbean. It proposes a conceptual
and methodological proposal based on the nexus between the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework
for Action, the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Agenda. It seeks to ensure that good practices
are replicable and foster regional integration in tackling climate change.
During this second phase, a tool was developed based on the concept of good practices and the twelve principles that
comprise it, in order to identify lessons learned from the good practices for NDCs documented
in LAC countries. This is called the Climate traffic light tool that seeks to analyze the main
elements of each good practice to determine the level of compliance with the four instruments of
the macro-regime, lessons learned and areas of opportunity to address LAC's climate challenge.
It should be noted that both the tool and this analysis process do not evaluate or point out
aspects of weakness. On the contrary, they highlight those aspects that are part of a good
practice and the different ways in which the actions comply in a cross-cutting and linear manner
with the macro-regime instruments.
The purpose of the virtual meeting was
to present the results of the study and a tool to identify good practices and lessons learned for the NDC, as well as to collect the opinions of the group of experts to enrich the products and promote good practices that contribute to mitigation and adaptation to the climate change through dialogue.
The second regional expert workshop
was held virtually on February 23, 2021 from 2:00 pm to 4:00 pm (EDT). It was attended by delegations and government officials from OAS Member States and expert groups on climate change issues, as well as representatives from the IDB and the Water Program of the OAS Department of Sustainable Development.