Climate Action Program for development in LAC:
a comprehensive proposal based on good practices in the region
What is it?
The "Climate Action Program for Development in LAC: a comprehensive proposal based on
good practices in the region" (PACD-LAC) is an initiative under the framework of
the Inter-American system for sustainable development. It seeks to contribute to the
strengthening of good practices for climate action in the Organization of American States
(OAS) member countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. For this purpose, it takes as a
reference an approach based on the nexus between the main instruments of the
macro-development regime. Therefore, it contributes to the fulfilment of the Paris
Agreement, the 2030 Agenda, the Sendai Framework for Action, the Convention on
Biological Diversity, the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification and the
Addis Abeba Action Agenda, ensuring that gender, interculturality and social justice are
incorporated into good practices and Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs).
The PACD-LAC is possible thanks to the dialogue and technical cooperation between
the Organization of American
States (OAS) and the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB).

The PACD-LAC seeks to generate opportunities for strengthening good practices for climate action and compliance with the NDCs in LAC countries that are part of the OAS, through knowledge management, spaces for dialogue and e xchange of experiences and a capacity building program. Therefore, it aims to contribute to LAC's resilience to climate change, reducing its vulnerability to the adverse effects of climate change and making the region a territory of better good practices and best practices.
Project components
1. Knowledge management
Measure the appropriation of the global development framework in the region: knowledge products applied to the strengthening of good practices for mitigation and adaptation to climate change are generated, within the framework of the NDCs, from the perspective of the macro-development regime.

2. Cluster of experts
Strengthen the capacities of groups of climate negotiators, sectors and key actors of civil society to implement the Paris Agreement: A cluster of experts is created to identify and contribute with strategic lines for capacity building on climate action and NDCs, with emphasis on areas for improvement in planning processes and public investment management frameworks that integrate sustainable infrastructure practices.
3. Capacity building
Organize dialogue and training meetings to foster sustainable infrastructure development: Implement a capacity building program to incorporate sustainability into infrastructure projects, innovative engineering designs with nature-based solutions, and best practices for preparing sustainable infrastructure.
Capacity building