First Expert Worshop

Progress in the study on good practices of the NDC in Latin America and the Caribbean from the perspective of the global macro-regime of development
About the First Expert Workshop
The study on good practices of NDCs in Latin America and the Caribbean aims
to identify good practices in mitigation and adaptation to climate change
framed in the NDCs of the Organization of American States member countries
in Latin America and the Caribbean. It proposes a conceptual and methodological
proposal based on the nexus between the Paris Agreement, the Sendai Framework
for Action, the 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Agenda. It seeks to ensure that
good practices are replicable and foster regional integration in tackling climate
During its first phase, the study developed a concept of good practice for NDC, as well as guiding
principles for applying the definition to the field of climate action in the
countries. This was made possible with the support of the Costa Rican, Jamaican
and Uruguayan focal points for NDC. The presentation of progress sought to share
the conceptual proposal, as well as the first analyses of the NDC of Latin America
and the Caribbean, from the perspective of the macro-regime of sustainable development.
The purpose of the virtual meeting was to present
the first results of the study on good practices for NDC and collect the impressions of the countries to strengthen progress, taking into account different perspectives on challenges and opportunities to promote good practices that contribute to mitigation and adaptation to climate change.
The first regional expert workshop
The first regional expert workshop was held virtually on November 5, 2020 from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm (EDT). It was attended by delegations and government officials from OAS Member States, as well as representatives from the IDB and the Integrated Water Resources Section of the OAS Department of Sustainable Development.